terça-feira, 29 de abril de 2014

Evidências contra a homeopatia

[1] U. Altunç, M.H. Pittler, E. Ernst, Homeopathy for Childhood and Adolescence Ailments: Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 82 (2007) 69-75.
[2] K. Linde, N. Clausius, Are the clinical effects of homoeopathy placebo effects? A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled tria, Lancet, 350 (1997) 834.
[3]  K. Linde, M. Hondras, A. Vickers, G.t. Riet, D. Melchart, Systematic reviews of complementary therapies - an annotated bibliography. Part 3: Homeopathy, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 1 (2001) 4.
[4]  W. Jonas, R. Anderson, C. Crawford, J. Lyons, A systematic review of the quality of homeopathic clinical trials, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 1 (2001) 12.
[5] E. Ernst, A systematic review of systematic reviews of homeopathy, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 54 (2002) 577-582.
[6] R.M.R. Almeida, A critical Review of The Possible Benefits Associate With Homeopathic Medicine, Revista do Hospital das Clínicas / Faculdade Medicina de São Paulo, 58 (2003) 324-331.
[7] C. Hill, F. Doyon, Review of randomized trials of homeopathy, Revue d`Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 38 (1990), 139.
[8] J. Kleijnen, P. Knipschild, G. ter Riet, Clinical trials of homoeopathy, BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 302 (1991) 316-323.
[9] K. Linde, D. Melchart, Randomized controlled trials of individualized homeopathy: a state-of-the-art review, Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.), 4 (1998) 371-388.
[10] M. Cucherat, M.C. Haugh, M. Gooch, J.P. Boissel, Evidence of clinical efficacy of homeopathy. A meta-analysis of clinical trials. HMRAG. Homeopathic Medicines Research Advisory Group, European Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology, 56 (2000) 27-33.
[11] A. Shang, K. Huwiler-Müntener, L. Nartey, P. Jüni, S. Dörig, J.A.C. Sterne, D. Pewsner, M. Egger, Are the clinical effects of homoeopathy placebo effects? Comparative study of placebo-controlled trials of homoeopathy and allopathy, The Lancet, 366 (2005) 726-732.
[12] J. Boissel, M. Cucherat, M. Haugh, E. Gauthier., Critical literature review on the eff ectiveness of homoeopathy: overview of data from homoeopathic medicine trials. Brussels, Belgium: Homoeopathic Medicine Research Group. Report to the European Commission. 1996: 195–210.